Travelling around the world with the Leica Q: Review by Kirsten Vignes

I always thoroughly enjoy camera reviews that take place in authentic, real-world situations, and you can’t get more real-world than a trip around the world to five different countries.

Kirsten Vignes backpacked to England, France, Turkey, Croatia and Hungary with a group of friends and the camera she felt was best suited to travel photography, the Leica Q.

Being a Leica specialist by profession, her review is obviously biased towards the Leica brand but her images do a fine job of backing up her statements. For instance, she talks about how her friends were impressed by the camera’s low-light performance, and it is indeed true that you can take excellent images with the Q at high ISO values. However, her statement about none of the other tourists being able to take in-focus images in low-light (as true as it may have been in that particular situation) is a little misleading – after all, a number of camera models now have in-body stabilisation and excellent high ISO performance!

Her partiality aside, I really enjoyed how she mixed storytelling, evocative imagery and technical specifications to build her review.

Interestingly, she also brought along the Leica M but mostly used it when the battery of the Q ran out. It just goes to show how versatile the 28mm field of view can be for travel!

Read Kirsten’s Leica Q review here!

leica q review