Issue 30 of The Inspired Eye is out! – The online magazine by photographers, for photographers

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The Inspired Eye is a website, blog, podcast and bi-monthly magazine. The founders and publishers, Don Springer and Olivier Duong, are two photographers who met online and started this project without ever meeting in real life. What linked them, however, was the desire to share their passion for photography with the world. It is for this reason they were inspired to design a website and magazine as a tribute to photographers who are working in the present day. As Olivier explains on our interview on MirrorLessons:

The process to select the photographers for Inspired Eye, we stop looking up to already established photographers and start looking right and left. Chances are, there are great photographers you didn’t know about.

inspired eye online photography magazine

What makes The Inspired Eye so unique is that it is a platform that puts the spotlight on photographers regardless of whether they are famous or not. It is written and compiled with a strong sense of community which is also why they feature the work of the same photographers more than once. They don’t select on the basis of skill level either. Finally, the questions asked for each interview are always the same so that we can see how the answers of the various photographers compare. Doing so gives a reference to the readers as well.

inspired eye photography magazine

The 30th issue of the magazine was released a few days ago and features the following stories:

  • An award-winning Thai photographer who believes in the lucky side of street photography.
  • The musings of a traveling photographer with a restless mind.
  • A child care provider who started her photography career in her mid-50s.
  • A Zagreb photographer whose photography is self-healing.
  • A well-traveled French photographer’s journey around the world that he calls beautiful in all its forms.
  • A Norwegian “mid-summer rooster” who is shaped by the long Nordic winters.
  • A photographic showcase of a version of China beyond the stereotypes.
  • A photographer with a background in cinema who believes that photography has lost its magic.
  • A German art director who owns but one lens.

inspired eye olivier duong

The Inspired Eye is available for your mobile device or laptop and is published in PDF format. To date, it has over 5000 members and is rapidly growing. You can either purchase a single copy or get a subscription for less than $20/year.

Find out more about The Inspired Eye here!