Around India with Rupert Marlow and his Fujifilm cameras

Rupert Marlow is a 32-year-old photographer from Bristol (UK). Beyond being a wedding photographer, he is also a passionate traveller. He received his first camera at the age of seven and hasn’t stopped shooting since.

I am a photographer and carry a camera everywhere. Photography, for me, is about truth – preferring to avoid digital manipulation as much as possible making the capture of images a skill.

India is the place that has inspired him the most lately, and his images are definitely worth checking out. On his website, Rupert shares a personal diary about the various locations he visited. Each blog has its own subdivision of chapters that are related to a singular monument, city or detail that caught his attention.

For example, in Agra & Jaipur, he gives an interesting and personal description of the Taj Mahal, which is simply “astonishing” to use his own words. Rupert also shares some historical facts about the places he visits.

What is interesting about his blog posts is that they offer an enjoyable and sincere read from a photographer who takes pleasure both in taking photographs and in experiencing a new place in the flesh.

Words and photos cannot do it justice. In this information age, where with a keyboard and screen, anyone can find out about and ‘see‘ almost anything on the planet – it’s easy to assume that some things don’t need visiting.

Rupert uses the Fuji X-T1 and X100T for most of his work but he also includes a few images taken with his iPhone 6s Plus. Though his travel blogs are not about the gear, you will also find some dedicated posts about the cameras he uses like his Fuji X-T1 review.

What makes these images great? Wonderful compositions, a sense of space and architecture, delicate colours and a sincere photographer’s view of the world. You can check out the image galleries by clicking on the image below. You can also visit Rupert Marlow’s official website here.

rupert marlow india