Travel photographer Ugo Cei has shared some beautiful street shots and portraits taken in Morocco with his faithful Fujifilm X-E2. The text introducing the images is also interesting. He explains why Marocco is a fascinating place to photograph not just for the exotic locations but also because of the ethnic variety of its population.
In the article, he shares how he approached his subjects and how they reacted to their photo being taken. He highlights the language barrier, as well as the positive and negative reactions of the subjects.
One problem is that many people display a certain level of diffidence, if not an outright refusal, at being photographed. Add to that the language barrier, and you have the perfect recipe for frustration.
To view Ugo’s image gallery, click here or on the photo below. If you are interested in travel photography, we suggest following Ugo’s on his Facebook page and subscribing to his The Traveling Image Makers podcast where he interviews other travel photographers from around the world. You can also visit our previous article about Ugo where he discusses adding a human element in landscape photography.