Two more Batis 85mm vs Sony GM 85mm comparisons

batis 85mm vs gm 85mm

Recently we wrote up a brief comparison between the Zeiss Batis and GM 85mm primes, having tried both on different occasions. Although our impressions will remain inconclusive until we can fully test the two lenses side-by-side, our feeling was that the GM 85mm had a sharper rendering, which is only to be expected considering the price difference.

Two photographers who have been able to use both the Batis 85mm and GM 85mm at the same time are Sony artisan Jason Lanier and Matt Granger.

Jason shared his first set of comparison images on the Phoblographer. Although he doesn’t make any comments about the two lenses, there are many full-res images that you can analyse.

You can see Jason’s first sample images here.

Matt Granger managed to use both lenses at the CP+ event for a brief period of time. His initial impression is that the Batis is warmer and produces a circular swirl that you don’t see on many lenses, including the GM 85mm. However, he is impressed by the sharpness of the GM and the smoothness of its bokeh.

Video property of Matt Granger